Mission Statement and Strategic Operating Plan

SHL Mission and Core Values

Our mission at Second Hill Lane Elementary School is to:

  • Promote Learning as a continuous, life-long process.

  • Expect an active partnership involving students, parents, and staff to achieve success.

  • Provide a focused and coherent set of standards that are rigorous, research-based, and consistent with college and career expectations.

  • Encourage our students to value and respect themselves, while learning to understand, appreciate and accept the differences in others.

  • Provide a nurturing environment committed to achieving excellence.

Core Values

District Mission and Strategic Operating Plan

Our school mission aligns directly with the mission of Stratford Public Schools:

"To support the growth of the whole student through a challenging and inspiring education, within a safe and inclusive environment."

Please use the links\ below to learn more about our SPS mission, as well as our SPS Strategic Operating Plan:

SPS Strategic Operating Plan